Trouble : easyDSP communication fails at first try of easyDSP use
Shooting: there are several reasons for this. Please check below check points.
check point 1 : If ram booting or flash programming is not successful, please check the hardware setting particularly for connector pin mapping, contact failure of connector and cable. You can check if the hardware and software setting is proper by running MCU with debugger and monitoring the variables by easyDSP.
check point 2 : The easyDSP source file and header file should be included in your project.
check point 3 : #define variable should be set properly in the easyDSP header file.
check point 4 : In the main.c, easyDSP related functions should be called.
check point 5 : The baud rate of project setting should be same to that in the easyDSP header file.
check point 6 : In the user program, don't allocate SCI or UART for easyDSP to another GPIO pins.
check point 7 : In the user program, don't allocate GPIO for easyDSP to another function.
check point 8 : easyDSP ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) should have enough time resource to run properly. Please check below.
Trouble : communication fails due to the lack of time resource to easyDSP
Shooting: You have to secure the required time resource to easyDSP communication. Please try below methods.
1. Increases 'wait-more-time' in the project menu
2. Slows down the baud-rate
3. Minimize the number of variables of monitoring (For example, use Command Window only)
4. If possible, increase the priority of easyDSP ISR (SCI or UART)
Trouble : At first, easyDSP works well but soon it fails.
Shooting 1 : easyDSP uses the lowest prioritized ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) of MCU by default. If higher prioritized interrupt routine starts to take most of time resource, then ISR for easyDSP doesn't work properly. Please refer to above trouble and shooting.
Shooting 1 : in a power electronics system with high voltage and high current switching operation, easyDSP communication could failed due to either conducted or radiated noise. Please take a measure to reduce the noise accordingly.
Trouble : easyDSP is not connected
cause : mechanical connection is not stable
Shooting : please connect easyDSP directly to PC (not via USB extension port) or use different USB port or use new USB cable.
Trouble : Error message like below
Shooting : You will face below (or similar) error message with 32bit Windows. Please use 64bit Windows.